Senin, 07 Desember 2009

K-B on my 19th 08 Dec salah deh am namanya...K-B its mean Keluarga Bencana...hhehehe...

A little story of tonight.... was 12 o'clock....2 HP dsebelahku ga berhenti bunyi...

Hhhheeehehe...1 telp diangkat...udh waiting 1 lagi...hhhmmmm repot jg c apalagi dalam keadaan nyawaku yang belum genep...hhehehe,,,,,1....2....telp seems like emg bener2 dr jauh....

But from the 3rd and the’s seems like ada backsound yang sama and beraturan (telp ne papih and randy) wong dasar nih nyawa blom bner2 100% complete yah cuek aja...

Sampai dateng telp dr si papah...tumben2an jam pulang kerjanya kok telp di t4 ruame banyak kendaraan...

And the conversation goes by....

Papah : “Hallo, happy b’day yah”

Aku : “hu’um thx papah...lagi dmn kok rame?”

Papah : “ni baru ja nyampe...baru parkir motor lgsg telp qm”

Tak pikir...wah pantesan aj telat ga pas jm 00.00..karena ta pkir shift dy abiz jm 12 so neg otw plg yah maklum lah jam segitu baru nyampe rmh....(pikiran positif dr makluk tak berdosa ki)..wkwkwkwkwk

Aku :”oh...pantes rame....”

Papah : “ya q baru ja nyampe dpan rumahmu!”

(mendadak terjadi lonjakan ke-complete-an nyawaku...antara penuh trus susut lagi...setengahe ga masuk akal juga)

Aku : “hah!!!! Serius????”

Papah : (pas ad kendaraan lewat) “tuh denger ada motor lewat kan?”

Aku : “hah!!! Bneran nih???? Am siapa mlm2 ksini???”

Papah : “yeee,,,ga percaya! Liat aja sendiri nih”

Masih ga percaya...q kluar kamar juga...kulhat masih ad babe bertengger dkursi dpan TV...(dheg2 sirrrr antara kluar ato ga)

Akhirnya yah nyolong2 Q kluar rumah...buka pintu pelan2...cekrekkkk.....jalan ke gerbang....baru kebuka setengah...nongol tuh wajah cantik si Jojo...he said happy b’day n ngasihin sekotak kue...n jepret camera paparazi roll on!!!!!!!!!!!!hhahahaha...

Waw....kejutan nih ternyata....then si papih muncul!!! Wah bertiga yah...(batinku)...

Ta liatin keluar lha kok motore banyak bener...????

Ga lama...mahkluk2 K~B mulai bermunculan....Randy...Rara...petri....budhe...huwwwaaaaaaa gilLLLAaaa nih cewe2...jam sgini masih nglayap aje....but like this frennn!!!!!!!!!!!

Sumpah edan Q maluuuuuuuu he... dengan wajah2 ga ceto bangun tidur gini...mereka kan jadi tau wajah asliku.....wajah innocent, polos, n rupawan ini!!!!


The all say happy b’day!

Biz salim n cipika-cipiki...langsung aje tuh mereka ngacir....batinku...baguslah keburu si Babe tau..lagian males juga kan neg jam segitu musti jamu tamu...wkkkwkwkwkwkw...just joke sista n brother!(peace V)

Hhhhmmmmm.....lucune...wlopun pada bawa motore pada didorong..hhahaha...takut bkin berisik lah....

Mereka meninggalkanku yang masih terkejut...antara real apa engga...hhhmmmmm

That’s my beautiful u alL guys....tingkyuw 4 alLL....

thx GOD 4 this nice friendships...

Muach 8x .........

Saat mereka merasa kecewa karena Q....

Tadi pagi, sambil download attachment nyambi bukak FB....
jeng2...rame juga nih fb setelah 2 hari ga ta bukak....
ada yang say heppy b'day (padahal belom wktu nya), ad yg juzt komen2 gag jelas...
eeehhhh...tb2 ad yg nyempil di situ...
a note tagged to me entitled
. disappointed .

langsung ja ta click...
there's a note says

U know, friend. .
I'm a person that difficult 2 trust the others,
It took Long enough 2 say that "I trust U"
And yesterday I told it 2 U. .
But I was disappointed,
Maybe it's not just Me who was disappointed, but Us.

So far,,
We remind each other as friends.
Do U remember,
We've laughed together, cried together, reveal any sense.
Did U forget?
I hope Not. .

the New peopLe who suddenly appeared in Ur Life,
able 2 solve our friendship.
This is Ur choice my friend,
this is Ur Life,
U r entitled to decide, want 2 do right or wrong.

We never told U 2 choose between us or Him,
We always welcome 2 U with the open arms,
But. . .
U r choosing 2 be with Him n away from Us.
Yes, away from Us. .
U know that what U did was wrong,
but U closed Ur eyes n Ur ears. ."

that's from my beloved moulicious...
seketika air mata ini tak kuasa ku bendung...
air mata apa ini q juga ga tahu...
can't describe what I fell at that time....
T_T (hikz...hikz...hikzz)

langsung ajah ku kirim group message...says
"so sorry 4 destroying our friendship....
bner2 sdikit pun ga da niat buat ini smw"

10 one reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ta buang HP ke tas...tb2...ddrrrttt...drrttt...drrrttt....lama!!!!!!!!!
one of moulicious calling...
she said "lagi dmana??? bs ketemuan gag,,,di boulevard"
I said "Okay".

hhhmmmm...a complicated conversation was started......
tangis ini gag mau berhenti...
otakQ hang.....can't solve it all!!!!!!!!!!

this is all my fault!!!
so sorry 4 hurting you all!!!!!!!!!!!

still don't know what I have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bisa giiLLLLLLLLaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!