Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Saat mereka merasa kecewa karena Q....

Tadi pagi, sambil download attachment nyambi bukak FB....
jeng2...rame juga nih fb setelah 2 hari ga ta bukak....
ada yang say heppy b'day (padahal belom wktu nya), ad yg juzt komen2 gag jelas...
eeehhhh...tb2 ad yg nyempil di situ...
a note tagged to me entitled
. disappointed .

langsung ja ta click...
there's a note says

U know, friend. .
I'm a person that difficult 2 trust the others,
It took Long enough 2 say that "I trust U"
And yesterday I told it 2 U. .
But I was disappointed,
Maybe it's not just Me who was disappointed, but Us.

So far,,
We remind each other as friends.
Do U remember,
We've laughed together, cried together, reveal any sense.
Did U forget?
I hope Not. .

the New peopLe who suddenly appeared in Ur Life,
able 2 solve our friendship.
This is Ur choice my friend,
this is Ur Life,
U r entitled to decide, want 2 do right or wrong.

We never told U 2 choose between us or Him,
We always welcome 2 U with the open arms,
But. . .
U r choosing 2 be with Him n away from Us.
Yes, away from Us. .
U know that what U did was wrong,
but U closed Ur eyes n Ur ears. ."

that's from my beloved moulicious...
seketika air mata ini tak kuasa ku bendung...
air mata apa ini q juga ga tahu...
can't describe what I fell at that time....
T_T (hikz...hikz...hikzz)

langsung ajah ku kirim group message...says
"so sorry 4 destroying our friendship....
bner2 sdikit pun ga da niat buat ini smw"

10 one reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ta buang HP ke tas...tb2...ddrrrttt...drrttt...drrrttt....lama!!!!!!!!!
one of moulicious calling...
she said "lagi dmana??? bs ketemuan gag,,,di boulevard"
I said "Okay".

hhhmmmm...a complicated conversation was started......
tangis ini gag mau berhenti...
otakQ hang.....can't solve it all!!!!!!!!!!

this is all my fault!!!
so sorry 4 hurting you all!!!!!!!!!!!

still don't know what I have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bisa giiLLLLLLLLaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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